DOPE 2024+

The University of Kentucky Political Ecology Working Group invites you to participate in the Thirteenth Annual Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference (DOPE), to be held from Thursday, February 22nd to Sunday, February 24th, 2024 in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. 

Since its origin in 2009, DOPE has been centered around decolonial, feminist, and critical scholarship and activism. DOPE has always engaged scholars and activists from a wide range of backgrounds, whether or not they identify as political ecologists. As we navigate the crises of racial capitalism and settler colonialism, it is essential that we continue to bring together folks working on multiple ecologies: queer, feminist, Indigenous, Black, more-than-human, etc. Therefore, we are calling this year’s conference DOPE+, with the explicit intention of bringing together diverse scholars, activists, and community members to share methods, ideas, art, and activism with one another. This year’s conference will continue DOPE’s long tradition of creating a space for participants to foster praxes of radical care, abundance, reciprocity, and interculturality.