Sessions & Presentations

How much time is allotted for my presentation?
In general, each presentation is allotted 20 minutes. Some session organizers ask presenters to allow for 5 of the 20 minutes to be for questions. If you are part of an organized session, please contact your session organizer for suggested presentation times.
For new presenters: On average it takes 2 minutes to read a page of text. Make sure to practice your timing before coming to the conference!

How are papers presented at DOPE? Should I bring my laptop?
Most presenters at DOPE use powerpoint or similar programs to present. Presenters can read papers or present without reading from a paper, depending on their comfort level; however, we highly suggest practicing papers before presenting. Presenters should bring their presentation file on a USB drive, or e-mail to the session organizers. Please arrive to your session early to add your presentation to the computer before your session begins.

Do you allow presenters to Skype in to the conference?
While we do allow presenters to present via Skype under special circumstances (e.g. travel bans), we highly suggest Skype-in's be avoided because we cannot guarentee the quality of internet service at the venue. If you do need to have a Skype presentation, please make sure to contact the DOPE organizers well in advance, so that we may ensure we have the proper equipment ready for your session.

What does it mean if UK-PEWG is the chair of my session?
If your session is chaired by UK-PEWG you are either in a session organized by the UK Political Ecology Working Group or your session organizers requested a University of Kentucky student to chair the session.
For Session Organizers: Please be advised that individuals chosen to chair the session may not be well-versed in the topic of the session, as they are student volunteers. Thus, participants should not rely on UK-PEWG volunteers to direct Q&A sessions.

How many abstracts may I submit? How many sessions may I participate in?
Participation is limited to one abstract submission per participant plus participation in one alternative-type session (e.g., panel, workshop, lightning round, etc.)

I submitted my abstract to a session, but don't know if it was accepted. What should I do?
Contact the session organizer!

Do you only accept paper sessions?
No! We are open to all alternative style sessions, whether they be panels, lightning rounds, film showings (prior permission required), workshops, etc. Please contact us if there are any special requests for your session.